Infinity Bond A6120 Product Assembly APAO Hot Melt - 60 Second Open Time


Product Highlights

  • Type: Bulk Hot Melt
  • Brand: Infinity Bond

About Infinity Bond A6120 Product Assembly APAO Bulk Hot Melt

Infinity Bond A6120 (formerly A6040) is a high performance APAO bulk hot melt adhesive used widely in product assembly and manufacturing applications. It boasts a 60 second open time and bonds to a huge range of substrates including foam, plastics, metals and fabric. 

Infinity Bond A6120 offers exceptional hot and cold temperature resistance and runs cleanly through bulk hot melt dispensing equipment. This APAO hot melt can be applied as a bead or sprayed for wider  surface coverage. 

Bonds To

  • Foam
  • Plastics (PP, PE, Vinyl and more)
  • Wood
  • Metals
  • Fabric
  • Felt

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