Return Policy strives to provide the highest quality products and offer expert support on everything we sell. If for some reason you ordered something you don’t need or have changed your mind we will work with you to correct the situation. If you have any questions concerning a return or exchange please feel free to fill out the RMA Request Form.
Unopened and Unused Items
You have 30 days to return an item that was ordered and has not been opened or used.
- The product must be completely sealed and packaged as it was by the manufacturer.
- Products must contain the complete manufacturer’s contents including but not limited to cords, nozzles, and instruction manuals. Opened or incomplete items will not be eligible for return unless specifically authorized by
- is not responsible for shipping charges incurred for returned items.
- Once an item is returned, a credit will be issued less shipping charges and a 20% restocking fee.
- A credit will be issued to the original credit card or account only after the items are received in full by
Opened Items and Special Orders reserves the right not to return open items & special orders, unless it has been cleared by a staff member.
Returning defective items
In the event that a customer receives a defective item a Return Material Authorization (RMA) form will be issued to return the defective item(s).
- Customer is responsible for shipping charges incurred in returning defective items unless approved by
- Any defective item being returned must be returned in original manufacturers packaging. If the customer no longer has manufacturers packaging the customer will be responsible for the cost of new packaging.
- is not responsible for damage caused during shipping and damage incurred during shipping will not be covered under any manufacturer’s warranty. We recommend insuring all returns for the value of the items being shipped.